Imposter Syndrome
A Case Study
Client Background
Global Healthcare
Newly promoted to Senior Vice President
Anxiety about how to deliver in an even more senior role and whether he was ‘good enough’
25 years successfully working for the same company
Additional challenge of company being ‘spun off’ to a new organisation where he was less known
Coaching Experience
Three-way contract with his line manager and myself as to the goals to be achieved
Purpose to enhance his impact as a leader
Completed psychological assessment to understand leadership strengths and development areas compared to peer population
Needed to understand where Imposter Syndrome was rooted. Explored childhood to pinpoint critical experiences that had affected how client saw himself
Spent time looking at the impact his Imposter Syndrome might have on others. This was powerful as the client had never viewed it in this way; had always seen it as something that affected him
Spent time looking at impact of interactions and how he could behave different moving forwards. Refections of behaviour in coaching can be powerful to help coachee choose a different path in future scenarios
Imposter Syndrome Coaching Outcomes
Behaviours have changed, in particular towards how client treats himself . This is key for a sufferer of Imposter Syndrome
Recognises the signs of old behaviour when under pressure and adapts behaviour accordingly
Is more challenging of his direct reports- it’s okay to stretch people and they won’t think badly of you
Being more active in his meetings- his ideas are valid, wanted, and needing to be heard